Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Giving Back: Installing the 2011 Holiday Decor at the Prestigous Golisano Children's Hospital

We can't say how much the entire team at Downtown Decorations enjoyed designing, planning, producing, and implementing the 2011 holiday decor at one of the nation's foremost hospitals - Golisano Children's Hospital. We love giving back all year round at Downtown - but nothing makes us happier than lending our expertise and resources to bring smiles the kids at Golisano - wishing them the absolute best in the upcoming year - our thoughts and prayers are with each and everyone of you!

- Intial tree test lighting 11/29/2011 at 12pm EST.

2011 Golisano Children's Hospital

One of the smaller trees adorning a conference area at Golisano Children's Hospital - Looks amazing!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Check out the following 10 Posts - Highlighting Downtown Decoration's Most Custom Designed Products and Projects for the 2011 Holiday Season!!!

So... each year around Thanksgiving - our unofficial end to the holiday decorating season ;) - we really enjoy looking back at the past few weeks at the most creative and custom projects and products that clients requested and we provided.

In the next 10 posts you will see products ranging from the most custom unique Christmas trees that you have ever seen, to the use of plant based products in creating over-sized displays, and even our most popular of the custom products - over-sized fiberglass ornaments - they are awesome!

Please take a look at let us know what you like, what you love, and what you wish you saw! One lucky commentator will win a custom holiday display courtesy of Downtown Decorations!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Manzanita - What the heck is it?

Manzanita is perhaps the fastest growing plant based product used in commercial holiday and seasonal decorating industry. Latin name: Arctostaphylos columbiana manzanita is a wood like product that grows in vine-like segments allowing them to be beautifully and artistsicially woven together to form shapes small and large.

Pictured above - you will see a giant 12' manzanita reindeer. Available in myriads of colors - manzanita is trending! You will see it featured usually in the form of reindeer, sleighs, oversize presents, snowmen, and so on. Often situated at entrances and exits, manzanita is favored for its incredible durability and vibrant exterior applications. Manzanita is now making its way inside. You will be seeing over sized figurines in interior walkways, common areas, food courts, lobbies, and atriums - they are stunning and make an instant conversation pieces.

Look out for Manzanita making its decorating debut at retail centers and holiday event venues near you.

To see more and to contact the experts visit: http://www.downtowndecorations.com/